Staying Healthy in Unhealthy Times
Health is more than freedom from illness or injury. It is also the ability and vitality for work and play and meeting the challenges of daily life. It includes mental and emotional health, as well as physical health. During flu season, or epidemics or pandemics, it becomes more challenging to maintain a state of health. We can find plenty of conventional advice in the media and online. It is important to follow counsel such as washing hands frequently, staying home when you feel ill, keeping well hydrated, getting adequate rest and exercise, limiting or avoiding alcohol and refined sugar, sneezing/coughing into your elbow, etc.
Fever is the body's first line of defense against illness and suppressing it too early and strongly is counterproductive for healing. Many alternative health practitioners advise against the routine use of NSAIDS (Ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin, etc.) or aspirin for fever and pain. Low grade fevers may be best treated by drinking plenty of liquids and cool wet washcloths on forehead. For high fevers, add sitting in a shallow tub of cool water or cool sponge bathing. If necessary, use Tylenol/acetaminophen sparingly for pain or high fever. And when seriously ill or injured, do not hesitate to seek medical attention.
To maintain mental and emotional balance, limit exposure to the news on TV, radio, online, or print, as well as constant talk of same. Watch uplifting shows on streaming or on television, listen to good music, connect in person or virtually with loved ones, and try to eat and sleep well. Avoid a state of constant fear and anxiety as this cancels out a state of health. Supplements such as Vitamin D3 (5000 IU), Vitamin C (1000 to 4000 mg), zinc (30 mg), and probiotics can help support your immune system. Do things you enjoy, such as carpentry, gardening, reading, jigsaw puzzles, sewing, baking, etc. When possible, make a habit of daily walks or bike rides outside. Spending time outdoors in all seasons provides proximity to the energy of natural light and sunshine, along with living trees and plants. Pets can be especially comforting, with their steady companionship and affection.
In addition, homeopathy can be very helpful. Homeopathic remedies send an energetic signal to the body’s vital force (chi, or prana), enhancing its ability to balance itself. A qualified classical homeopath selects a single remedy to address symptoms. A constitutional remedy helps the entire constitution to strengthen vitality and maintain a state of balance and health. An acute remedy helps the organism by modifying the body’s response to infectious agents or injuries and strengthening its capacity for self-healing. Information on the use of homeopathy in flu or epidemics can be found at . Information on a homeopathy kit for home use can be found there, or we offer Helios Basic 36 or Traveler’s 36 remedy kits for $75. Single remedies can be found at health food stores, co-ops, Whole Foods, or Fresh Thyme stores. It is always best to consult a qualified classical homeopath for remedy selection.
A quote from Julian of Norwich, a 12th century mystic, offers timeless reassurance in times of trouble.
“All shall be well and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.”